Friday, August 17, 2012

The Super G.A.L.S. Declassified Handbook is now available!

The e-comic, the Super G.A.L.S. Declassified Handbook is now available! It contains over 20 character entries with full color illustrations, a sneak peek at a page from the upcoming first issue, and a a coouple of penciled pin-ups with artist notes.

It clocks in at 27 pages and only costs $7.50!

It can be purchased here via paypal:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Super G.A.L.S. Declassified

Here's the big reveal! We are releasing a guidebook of over 20 full color illustrations of the characters that will be featured in the Super G.A.L.S. e-comics.

This is the prelude to the first issue; the place where you can find out about the characters, their strengths, their weaknesses, and other information. Stay tuned for release info!

The Black Feather Graphics store

We have opened a new store at zazzle! Right now there are t-shirts available of All-American Girl and the Butterfly and you can customize it to suit your tastes. For example, you can choose the style and color of the shirt. How cool is that?

The store is here:

The shirts:
All-American Girl

The Butterfly

Keep an eye out on the store, as more will be added to it as we move along. Also, let us know if there is anything in particular youd like to see made available in the store!

Greetings and salutations

Welcome one and all to the official blog of Black Feather Graphics, the home of the Super G.A.L.S.!